
AmeriRisk uses state of the art / cutting edge technology to deliver web based, on line and real time claims management and claims information tools.

Claims Management System (CMS)

The Claims Management Software System is a web-based claims management software service for adjusting firms, self-insured employers and third party administrators.

The system is capable of handling all types of claims including, but not limited to: workers' compensation, auto liability, general liability and property.

State forms and electronic data interchange (EDI) is integrated directly into the system eliminating tedious forms, paperwork and hassle.

CMS is a full-featured claims management system that includes:

  1. Claim management with all appropriate coding
  2. Claimant management: multiple claimants are allowed if required by claim type
  3. Claim services, diary/notes, digital document storage
  4. Claimant reserves management that is defined by the policy depending on claim type
  5. Claimant indemnity payment management with indemnity payment schedules
  6. Claimant bills that can be paid from multiple bank accounts
  7. Bank account management. Balance checking, check registers, etc.
  8. Check management and check printing
  9. Administrative menus for user management (security, info, etc.)
  10. Printable reports with personalized parameters
  11. Help system context sensitive


Quick Internet Software Solutions (QISS) has been in business since 1998 and develops web-based claims management applications . QISS founders firmly believe that web-based applications are becoming the preferred method for delivering and using software. QISS developers are well experienced in developing applications for the Internet.


Security is a concern in today's business environment. The CMS program uses the most current security applications available. All aspects of the database are password protected and users are given their own usernames and passwords. All passwords are encrypted in the system and no one can look up a plain text version of a user's password. Users are responsible for managing and changing their passwords. Security administrators do have the ability to change user passwords or to deactivate users.

CMS Host:
All of the CMS web pages are secured by VeriSign.

Fully customizable and functional data group security controls allow the system administrators to determine what screens and data a particular user is allowed to view and/or manipulate. This covers financial and non-financial aspects of the system.


Quick Internet Software Solutions (QISS) provides full scale / technical support to the system as well as to the hosting of all data. QISS assures complete integrity and availability of all program data.

Physical Location

QISS production servers are in a locked server rack at a hosting location with high-speed connections to the Internet. The building uses key-coded magnetic locks for after business hours access.

Virus Protection

CMS deploys Norton Antivirus software to detect and stop threats from viruses and unwanted system access.

Back Up

Databases are backed up every night to an offsite location. QISS uses RAID level 5 technology for storage. The network features redundant Internet connection; backup copies of the data can be sent by CD or by FTP to provide customers with their own copies.

Client Access

Each CMS client is set up in an individual database. The client's system is defined in a set of tables in that database. After initialization of the database the client can then organize the database to fit their company. QISS will work with the client to determine how that might best be done. Depending on what security level clients have, they will then be able to access claims.

  1. Claims can be organized into unlimited sets by criteria determined by the client. Each of the sets gets an administrator number and maintains its own set of claim numbers.
  2. Each administrator can have as many locations set up as desired.
  3. Insurance policies and policy constraints can be defined in the system.